Monday, June 8, 2015

Hip Pocket- Out of Class Speech

For my out of class speech and presentation I chose to speak to a group of college students. The students were all Caucasian, both male and female, and had a wide range in their ages. The audience members were from different religious and political backgrounds.

I chose to speak about a topic that I myself have spent hours researching and one that I thought might benefit a student on their path to a career. I chose to speak about finding your life’s purpose. My attention getter was a story about a 25 year class reunion and the discovery the classmates made about how 80% of them were unhappy. I shared how successful they all were and yet how unhappy and unfulfilled their lives were. I also shared that the difference between the 80% of unhappy classmates and the 20% who were happy was that the 20% had a purpose to their life and they knew what it was. I shared statistics and facts about happy people.

The first part of the speech walked the audience through a series of questions that they can answer that will help them find their life purpose. The next part of the speech showed how those who chose to serve others and focus outward were the people who were more happy and satisfied with their careers. I shared that those who are working for money or position or power for themselves are not as happy as those who do work that benefits others. Serving and helping others gives people a sense of purpose. When you know that what you do helps others and changes others you are happier. I used emotion to help the audience feel like they wanted to be happier so they should try and choose to do something that will serve others.

This venue was laid back and not as stressful as our classroom speeches. I was able to share some information that I had learned with my audience in hopes that it would benefit them as it had benefitted me. I was still nervous and knew that I was not an expert on this topic, but I felt like that helped me be more relatable and persuasive to the audience. I was able to tell them that I had been looking for purpose in my life and that I found this information helpful. I tried to persuade them to use this information to try and find their life purpose or at least come a step closer to finding it.

I handed out a 7 point Likert Scale survey (See Below) for the audience to complete. It had ten questions having to do with items on the rubric as well as areas I felt weak in and wanted specific feedback for. Overall, the responses were positive. I was happy to get comments on the survey so I would know specific areas I need to improve on. I lost my place with the slides one time and had to self-check to get back on track. I used the word “so” too often. Someone mentioned that I had great eye contact and connected well with the audience. Someone else said that I talk with my hands a lot but that they did not find it distracting.

Overall, I thought the speech went well. I felt like my practice speeches went smoother though. I tend to forget things that I want to say when I get in front of an audience. I function much better and speak smoother with notes. I have plenty of things to improve on, but the feedback I received will help me with the delivery on my final speech.

Speaker: Gina Gottfredson 

Please rate the following statements on a scale from 1 to 7. Circle your response.

1. The speaker's topic was relevant to me.
1 Strongly agree
2 agree
3 slightly agree
4 neither agree nor disagree
5 slightly disagree
6 disagree
7 Strongly disagree

2. The speaker did a good job getting my attention and keeping me interested throughout the presentation.
1 Strongly agree
2 agree
3 slightly agree
4 neither agree nor disagree
5 slightly disagree
6 disagree
7 Strongly disagree
3. The speaker did a good job of using slides to add to the presentation.      
1 Strongly agree
2 agree
3 slightly agree
4 neither agree nor disagree
5 slightly disagree
6 disagree
7 Strongly disagree

4. The speaker was easy to hear and understand.
1 Strongly agree
2 agree
3 slightly agree
4 neither agree nor disagree
5 slightly disagree
6 disagree
7 Strongly disagree
5. The speaker avoided using the words "um" and "like" or other repetitive phases.
1 Strongly agree
2 agree
3 slightly agree
4 neither agree nor disagree
5 slightly disagree
6 disagree
7 Strongly disagree

6. The speaker kept self-checking to a minimum.         
1 Strongly agree
2 agree
3 slightly agree
4 neither agree nor disagree
5 slightly disagree
6 disagree
7 Strongly disagree

7. The speaker seemed comfortable and relaxed when she was speaking.
1 Strongly agree
2 agree
3 slightly agree
4 neither agree nor disagree
5 slightly disagree
6 disagree
7 Strongly disagree

8. The speaker did a good job of moving and used appropriate non-verbal communication.
1 Strongly agree
2 agree
3 slightly agree
4 neither agree nor disagree
5 slightly disagree
6 disagree
7 Strongly disagree
9. The speaker did a good job maintaining eye contact with and speaking to the entire audience.
1 Strongly agree
2 agree
3 slightly agree
4 neither agree nor disagree
5 slightly disagree
6 disagree
7 Strongly disagree
10. The speaker did a good job of persuading me to make changes in my life or take action on the information she shared.
1 Strongly agree
2 agree
3 slightly agree
4 neither agree nor disagree
5 slightly disagree
6 disagree
7 Strongly disagree

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